Persons interested in writing for the
Michigan War Studies Review should (a) read our
Book Review Guidelines, (b)
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Review and (c) indicate their qualifications and areas of expertise by
contacting us. The
Review does not accept contributions by pre-PhD scholars. Volunteers with extensive journalistic, military, or other relevant experience are welcome.
Inquiries from mainstream publishers, including university presses, wishing to have books reviewed in MiWSR are welcome; contact the editor.
Books Available for Review (most recent listings starred):
Ancient, Medieval
Early Modern
Revolutionary War
French Revolution/Napoleonic Wars/War of 1812
US West/Indian Wars
US Civil War
Leaving Gettysburg
By Curtis Crockett
Philadelphia: Casemate, 2022. Pp. 218. ISBN 978-1-63624-170-8.
19th-Century - Other
World War I
World War II
German Ground Forces of World War II: Complete Orders of Battle for Army Groups, Armies, Army Corps, and Other Commands of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, September 1, 1939, to May 8, 1945
By William McCroden, Thomas Nutter
El Dorado Hills, CA: Savas Beatie, 2019. Pp. xxii, 519. ISBN 978-1-61121-109-2.
Korean War
Vietnam War
20th Century - Other
21st Century
Multiple time periods
Korea: A History
By Eugene Y. Park
Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 2022. Pp. xiv, 414. ISBN 978-1-5036-2984-4.