Michigan War Studies Review
Reviews, surveys, original essays, and commentary in the field of military studies.
1 Jan. 2017
A Change in Editorial Policy

In the twelve years since its launch, the Michigan War Studies Review has seen considerable increases in its readership and number of items published (from c. 10 per annum in 2005–7 to c. 120 per annum in 2014–16). While that growth of interest in reading and writing for the Review has been most gratifying, it has also presented challenges. The purpose of the journal is to provide substantive, perceptive reviews and essays by recognized experts, written in clear and succinct prose, as stated in our “Book Review Guidelines” (sent with each book assigned for review). All submissions receive careful, professional editing for concision and conformity to the guidelines; they are then formatted for publication in both online and print versions, the latter being the publication of record. Our suggested length for reviews has been 1500–2500 words, with a promise of publication “within ninety days.” In the past few years, these numbers have become unsustainable, given the Review’s limited resources and manpower. Submissions now spend c. 150 days in the pipeline. This is unfair to our many conscientious contributors and to the publishers who provide copies of their books in the expectation of timely reviews.

In an effort to maintain the high quality of our “product,” while improving time-to-publication, we are altering our Book Review Guidelines to stipulate a mandatory range of 750–2000 words instead of a suggested range of 1500–2500. This change is effective as of the current (2017) volume. Reviews submitted in 2016 but not yet published will be grandfathered in under the 2500-word maximum; authors of not yet published reviews over 2500 words are asked to revise them down to that maximum.

We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our many faithful readers and contributors, as we strive to maintain the founding principles of the Michigan War Studies Review.

Happy New Year!

—The Editors

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