Michigan War Studies Review
Reviews, surveys, original essays, and commentary in the field of military studies.
2013 Volume
Eisenhower: In War and Peace 2013-103
Eisenhower in War and Peace
By Jean Edward Smith
A review by Grant W. Jones
The Hunt for Hitler's Warship 2013-102
The Hunt for Hitler's Warship
By Patrick Bishop
A review by Jonathan Beard
John of Salisbury: Military Authority of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance 2013-100
John of Salisbury: Military Authority of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance
By John D. Hosler
A review by David S. Bachrach
To Crown the Waves: The
Great Navies of the First World War 2013-099
To Crown the Waves: The Great Navies of the First World War
Ed. Vincent P. O’Hara, W. David Dickson, and Richard Worth
A review by David Silbey
The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War 2013-098
The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War
By Peter Hart
A review by Adam R. Seipp
Terrible Swift Sword: The Life of General Philip H. Sheridan 2013-097
Terrible Swift Sword: The Life of General Philip H. Sheridan
By Joseph Wheelan
A review by David Coffey
Normandy Crucible: The Decisive Battle That Shaped World War II in Europe 2013-095
Normandy Crucible: The Decisive Battle That Shaped World War II in Europe
By John Prados
A review by Bruce Zellers
Congo: The Miserable Expeditions and Dreadful Death of Lt. Emory Taunt, USN 2013-093
Congo: The Miserable Expeditions and Dreadful Death of Lt. Emory Taunt, USN
By Andrew C.A. Jampoler
A review by Lindsay Frederick Braun
Early Carolingian Warfare: Prelude to Empire 2013-092
Early Carolingian Warfare: Prelude to Empire
By Bernard S. Bachrach
A review by James R. Smither
Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution 2013-091
Bunker Hill: A City, a Siege, a Revolution
By Nathaniel Philbrick
A review by Robert J. Allison
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield 2013-090
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield
By Jeremy Scahill
A review by William Astore
Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze 2013-089
Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze
By Peter Harmsen
A review by Morgan Deane
Stalin’s General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov 2013-086
Stalin's General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov
By Geoffrey Roberts
A review by Cali Mortenson Ellis
Operation Typhoon: Hitler's March on Moscow, October 1941 2013-085
Operation Typhoon: Hitler's March on Moscow, October 1941
By David Stahel
A review by Steven D. Mercatante
American Naval History, 1607–1865: Overcoming the Colonial Legacy 2013-084
American Naval History, 1607–1865: Overcoming the Colonial Legacy
By Jonathan R. Dull
A review by Matt J. Schumann
The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World 2013-083
The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
By Denver Brunsman
A review by Michael K. Beauchamp
Shattered Genius: The Decline and Fall of the German General Staff in World War II 2013-082
Shattered Genius: The Decline and Fall of the German General Staff in World War II
By David Stone
A review by Geoffrey K. Krempa
The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History 2013-081
The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History
By Milton Leitenberg and Raymond Zilinskas
A review by Andrew Burtch
Mission Revolution: The U.S. Military and Stability Operations 2013-079
Mission Revolution: The U.S. Military and Stability Operations
By Jennifer Morrison Taw
A review by William A. Taylor
Scraping the Barrel: The Military Use of Sub-Standard Manpower, 1860–1960 2013-078
Scraping the Barrel: The Military Use of Sub-Standard Manpower, 1860–1960
Ed. Sanders Marble
A review by Michael A. Boden
Special Forces from World War II to the Navy SEALs 2013-077
Special Forces from World War II to the Navy SEALs
A review article by Eyal Ben-Ari
The Boys of ’67: Charlie Company’s War in Vietnam 2013-076
The Boys of ’67: Charlie Company’s War in Vietnam
By Andrew Wiest
A review by Kyle Longley
A Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction 2013-075
A Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction
By Ruth Franklin
A review by David Patterson
France under Fire: German Invasion, Civilian Flight and Family Survival during World War II 2013-073
France under Fire: German Invasion, Civilian Flight and Family Survival during World War II
By Nicole Dombrowski Risser
A review by Michael Scott Christofferson
Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World 2013-072
Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World
By Jan Karski
A review by Donald Lateiner
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War 2013-071
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War
By Andrew Roberts
A review by Larry Grant
War on the Waters: The Union and Confederate Navies, 1861–1865 2013-070
War on the Waters: The Union and Confederate Navies, 1861–1865
By James M. McPherson
A review by Grant T. Weller
The Verdict of Battle: The Law of Victory and the Making of Modern War 2013-069
The Verdict of Battle: The Law of Victory and the Making of Modern War
By James Q. Whitman
A review by Alan M. Anderson
Ships of Oak, Guns of Iron: The War of 1812 and the Forging of the American Navy 2013-067
Ships of Oak, Guns of Iron: The War of 1812 and the Forging of the American Navy
By Ronald D. Utt
A review by William M. Fowler Jr.
Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone: Sex, Security, and Post-Conflict Development 2013-065
Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone: Sex, Security, and Post-Conflict Development
By Megan H. MacKenzie
A review by Peter A. Dumbuya
A General Who Will Fight: The Leadership of Ulysses S. Grant 2013-063
A General Who Will Fight: The Leadership of Ulysses S. Grant
By Harry S. Laver
A review by Terence Parker
War in Social Thought: Hobbes to the Present 2013-062
War in Social Thought: Hobbes to the Present
By Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knöbl
A review by Ingo Trauschweizer
Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935–1941 2013-061
Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935–1941
By Franco David Macri
A review by Thomas McGrath
Into the Breach at Pusan: The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade in the Korean War 2013-060
Into the Breach at Pusan: The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade in the Korean War
By Kenneth W. Estes
A review by David Glenn Williams
Outpost of Empire: The Napoleonic Occupation of Andalucía, 1810–1812 2013-059
Outpost of Empire: The Napoleonic Occupation of Andalucía, 1810–1812
By Charles J. Esdaile
A review by Michael A. Bonura
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe 2013-058
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe
By David Parrott
A review by David R. Lawrence
Heinrich Himmler 2013-057
Heinrich Himmler
By Peter Longerich
A review by John C. Binkley
Voices of the Bulge: Untold Stories from Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge 2013-056
Voices of the Bulge: Untold Stories from Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge
By Michael Collins and Martin King
A review by Mark Kukis
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies 2013-055
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies
By Ben Macintyre
A review by Mary Kathryn Barbier
Ruin Nation: Destruction and the American Civil War 2013-053
Ruin Nation: Destruction and the American Civil War
By Megan Kate Nelson
A review by Thomas G. Nester
Avoiding Armageddon: From the Great War to the Fall of France, 1918–40 2013-052
Avoiding Armageddon: From the Great War to the Fall of France, 1918–40
By Jeremy Black
A review by Larry Grant
Reflections of a Historian on the False News of the War 2013-051
Reflections of a Historian on the False News of the War
By Marc Bloch
A translation by James P. Holoka
Air Commanders 2013-050
Air Commanders
Ed. John Andreas Olsen
A review by Christopher Rein
Churchill and Sea Power 2013-048
Churchill and Sea Power
By Christopher M. Bell
A review by Ralph Hitchens
Isaac's Army: A Story of Courage and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland 2013-047
Isaac's Army: A Story of Courage and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland
By Matthew Brzezinski
A review by Steven D. Mercatante
The Last Full Measure: How Soldiers Die in Battle 2013-045
The Last Full Measure: How Soldiers Die in Battle
By Michael Stephenson
A review by Andrew Burtch
The Battle of the Denmark Strait: A Critical Analysis of the Bismarck's Singular Triumph 2013-044
The Battle of the Denmark Strait: A Critical Analysis of the Bismarck's Singular Triumph
By Robert J. Winklareth
A review by Jonathan Beard
Elusive Victories: The American Presidency at War 2013-043
Elusive Victories: The American Presidency at War
By Andrew J. Polsky
A review by Edmund F. Byrne
The Archaeology of the Prussian Crusade: Holy War and Colonisation 2013-042
The Archaeology of the Prussian Crusade: Holy War and Colonisation
By Aleksander Pluskowski
A review by David S. Bachrach
Fire and Forget: Short Stories from the Long War 2013-041
Fire and Forget: Short Stories from the Long War
Ed. Roy Scranton and Matt Gallagher
A review by Nate Packard
Blue Moon over Cuba: Aerial Reconnaissance during the Cuban Missile Crisis 2013-040
Blue Moon over Cuba: Aerial Reconnaissance during the Cuban Missile Crisis
By William B. Ecker and Kenneth V. Jack
A review by Michael E. Weaver
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East 2013-039
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East
By Stephen G. Fritz
A review by Adam R. Seipp
Churchill: The Power of Words 2013-038
Churchill: The Power of Words
Ed. Martin Gilbert
A review by William I. Hitchcock
Wars of Plunder: Conflicts, Profits and the Politics of Resources 2013-036
Wars of Plunder: Conflicts, Profits and the Politics of Resources
By Philippe Le Billon
A review by Richard Tucker
From Boer War to World War: Tactical Reform of the British Army, 1902–1914 2013-035
From Boer War to World War: Tactical Reform of the British Army, 1902–1914
By Spencer Jones
A review by William Stewart
China and the World since 1750 2013-033
Restless Empire: China and the World since 1750
By Odd Arne Westad
A review by Grant W. Jones
Rückzug: The German Retreat from France, 1944 2013-031
Rückzug: The German Retreat from France, 1944
By Joachim Ludewig
A review by James D. Perry
The Battle for Tinian: Vital Stepping Stone in America's War against Japan 2013-030
The Battle for Tinian: Vital Stepping Stone in America's War against Japan
By Nathan N. Prefer
A review by Steven D. Mercatante
Hanoi's War: An International History of the War for Peace in Vietnam 2013-028
Hanoi's War: An International History of the War for Peace in Vietnam
By Lien-Hang T. Nguyen
A review by Terence Parker
Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins 2013-025
Song of Wrath: The Peloponnesian War Begins
By J.E. Lendon
A review by Lawrence A. Tritle
World War Two: A Short History 2013-024
World War Two: A Short History
By Norman Stone
A review by William J. Astore
Blueprints for Battle: Planning for War in Central Europe, 1948–1968 2013-022
Blueprints for Battle: Planning for War in Central Europe, 1948–1968
Ed. Jan Hoffenaar and Dieter Krüger
A review by Kevin M. Woods
Counting the Days: POWs, Internees, and Stragglers of World War II in the Pacific 2013-021
Counting the Days: POWs, Internees, and Stragglers of World War II in the Pacific
By Craig B. Smith
A review by John J. Hurt
The Missile Next Door: The Minuteman in the American Heartland 2013-020
The Missile Next Door: The Minuteman in the American Heartland
By Gretchen Heefner
A review by Christopher Rein
The Union War 2013-019
The Union War
By Gary W. Gallagher
A review by Jonathan Beard
A Very British Experience: Coalition, Defence and Strategy in the Second World War 2013-018
A Very British Experience: Coalition, Defence and Strategy in the Second World War
By Andrew Stewart
A review by Antoine Capet
The War of 1812: Conflict for a Continent 2013-017
The War of 1812: Conflict for a Continent
By J.C.A. Stagg
A review by Hal M. Friedman
Bodies of War: World War I and the Politics of Commemoration in America, 1919–1933 2013-016
Bodies of War: World War I and the Politics of Commemoration in America, 1919–1933
By Lisa M. Budreau
A review by Larry A. Grant
Deliverance from the Little Big Horn: Doctor Henry Porter and Custer's Seventh Cavalry 2013-015
Deliverance from the Little Big Horn: Doctor Henry Porter and Custer's Seventh Cavalry
By Joan Nabseth Stevenson
A review by Douglas R. Cubbison
The German Aces Speak: World War II through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe's Most Important Commanders 2013-013
The German Aces Speak: World War II through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe's Most Important Commanders
By Colin D. Heaton and Anne-Marie Lewis
A review by Ralph M. Hitchens
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam 2013-011
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam
By Fredrik Logevall
A review by Gregory A. Daddis
The Complexity of Modern Asymmetric Warfare 2013-010
The Complexity of Modern Asymmetric Warfare
By Max G. Manwaring
A review by Terence Parker
In the Shadow of the General: Modern France and the Myth of De Gaulle 2013-007
In the Shadow of the General: Modern France and the Myth of De Gaulle
By Sudhir Hazareesingh
A review by Michael S. Neiberg
Illinois in the War of 1812 2013-005
Illinois in the War of 1812
By Gillum Ferguson
A review by Hal M. Friedman
El Alamein: The Battle That Turned the Tide of the Second World War 2013-004
El Alamein: The Battle That Turned the Tide of the Second World War
By Bryn Hammond
A review by Christopher Rein
Algeria: France's Undeclared War 2013-003
Algeria: France's Undeclared War
By Martin Evans
A review by Tal Tovy
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A note from the editor.
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