The Grand Design: Strategy and the U.S. Civil War
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. viii, 498. ISBN: 978-0-195-37305-9.
As Professor of Strategy and Policy, Donald Stoker (Naval Postgraduate
School) has the background to probe the strategic dilemmas that faced military
and political leaders during America's most destructive conflict. While his
previous works have been narrower and more technical in focus, they have spanned
history from the American Revolution to the arms races of the twentieth
century.[1] The Grand Design is his most ambitious work to date,
contributing to what Stoker admits is an over-saturated field of history.
Although his book evokes recent works by Russell Weigley[2] and John
Keegan,[3] Stoker attempts to set it apart from the normal glut of Civil War
histories: "none of the more than three score thousand books on the Civil War is
dedicated to looking at the war's strategy" (2). This, he asserts, is due to
lack of familiarity with strategic analysis on the part of both modern
historians (debatable) and Civil War leaders themselves (a fair point). Stoker
outlines the basics of policy, strategy, operations, and tactics, using modern,
Clausewitzian definitions to counterbalance Civil War commanders' stress on
Jominian theories that were actually more operational than strategic in nature.
Strategy in this sense is "the larger use of military force in pursuit of a
political objective" (7), and Stoker seeks to place conventional studies of the
war into this larger vision of how its conduct matched its real and apparent
With his definitions in place, Stoker progresses through a chronological
breakdown of the war that tends to handle operations in the eastern and western
theaters separately. Strategically speaking, the course of the war was dictated
by the aims of the belligerents, which for the Union meant the complete overthrow of the
Confederate state. Such an ambitious objective allowed for a growing, but
painfully slow escalation in the use of force. Despite having "no real strategy
when the war began" (36), Lincoln recognized that deficiency and sought to
modify his war aims as the conflict developed, authorizing an increasingly
aggressive policy that conjoined emancipation with military strategy. Ultimately
preventing him from efficiently reaching his policy objectives were the
divisions and personal faults of his commanders along with his own failure to
assert himself over subordinates.
Only when a multi-front offensive was put in place as early as 1862, in a
"grand plan" (212) initially proposed by Gen. George McClellan, did the Union
assemble a viable strategy. To explain the delay in its proper implementation,
Stoker indulges in the long tradition of picking apart the Union command
apparatus, noting how, by the critical summer of 1863, "the Union command system
was broken" (287) by General-in-Chief Henry Halleck's inability, and probably
unwillingness, to exert command authority over the largest force in the field:
Gen. Joseph Hooker's Army of the Potomac. Union strategy, he suggests, was
myopic: Lincoln and his various Generals-in-Chief seemed to focus on one theater
at a time, letting matters drift in the west while struggling to contain the
disasters in the east. By 1864, the high command finally devised a single
cohesive strategy for defeating the South's military power in both theaters
(much as McClellan had tried to do in 1862).
Confederate strategy sought more limited objectives: not the total
destruction of the enemy, but merely the ability to withstand the Northern
onslaught and achieve a stable political future. But "strategic thinking in the
South was almost nonexistent" (411), and, while Union strategy gained precision
and sophistication as the war went on, the Confederates vacillated over the best
means to achieve their political objectives. Like so many others before him,
Stoker blames Confederate President Jefferson Davis for failure to grow as a
commander-in-chief during the war and for trying to be his own general-in-chief.
This was most tellingly evident in the spring of 1864, when Davis attempted to
assert tactical control over Confederate forces in Mississippi from his office
in Richmond, rather than delegating such control to his commander on the ground,
Leonidas Polk. Thus, Davis's "cumbersome accumulation of duties … injured the
Confederate cause by denying it a clear chain of command and decisive leadership
at the top" (123). Granted, Lincoln suffered the same defect for a portion of
the war, but he grew out of it, while Davis never did.
The glimmer of hope for Confederate strategic planning came from Robert E.
Lee, who actually understood how to win the war and "kept the political
objective in view, as well as the military means of reaching it" (156). Striking
at the enemy's will was Lee's strategic vision, one that Davis never grasped
beyond a repeated operational call to concentrate forces and attack. Lee also
turned to concentration whenever possible, but, unlike Davis, he wished to
direct such a gathering of force not against enemy forces but "Union public
opinion, and thus its will to fight" (279). Unfortunately for the Confederates,
their chance to do this was increasingly diminished during the war so as to extinguish any
hope of wresting a winning strategy from the growing likelihood of annihilation.
These are familiar arguments. Though Stoker claims to offer a new approach to
study of the Civil War, his conclusions do not venture far from established
thought on the subject. Certainly battlefield tactics strongly preoccupy many
historians (this reviewer included), but strategy, too, has been studied
intensively over the years,[4] though perhaps not in a single dedicated volume.
Stoker reaches many of the same general conclusions as earlier writers: Davis
was a poor commander-in-chief, Lincoln matured as a supreme commander, Grant
brought what was necessary to win, and Lee had the vision but not the means to
In addition, the book is geared toward a general audience, providing many
biographical and secondary details that will appeal to those only casually
familiar with his subject. Less casual readers may ask why, in a strategic
analysis of the Civil War, we read for the umpteenth time that Gen. Ambrose
Burnside was "best known for his luxuriant side-whiskers" (211) or why
biographical postscripts are needed to identify various figures, including
Joseph Wheeler, mentioned a total of four times in the text. While these may be minor
issues, they cast The Grand Design as a rather typical study of the Civil
That said, Stoker does offer several worthwhile reappraisals of conventional
strategic concepts. For instance, he questions the long-held notion that the
South espoused an "offensive-defensive" strategy. While such a strategy was in
fact frequently enunciated before and after the war by figures like Davis and
Lee, and was subsequently adopted by historians eager to link the struggle of
the Confederacy with that of the American revolutionaries, Stoker observes that
"Taken together, these comments [by Lee's staff officers] indicate a generally
defensive strategic bent, but one supplemented by operational and tactical
offensive action as the situation warranted. In the end, though, these examples
do not demonstrate proof of a larger, coherent Confederate offensive-defensive
strategy (which, as we've seen, is often claimed for the South), nor do they fit
the related mistaken interpretation of a South waiting for a Union move and then
striking. Indeed, they demonstrate the very opposite" (280).
Stoker convincingly presents a much more aggressive, yet
operationally faulty Confederate vision, which consistently called for a
concentration of force to strike against the enemy. But the South's flawed
civil-military relations ultimately frustrated this strategy by impeding a
decisive marshaling of forces early in the war while they were most abundant.
Stoker challenges recent appraisals of Lincoln as politically adroit in his
handling of the war effort and his mixed bag of subordinates.[5] He frequently
criticizes Lincoln's command style and interference (or lack thereof) in the
actions of his subordinates, citing, for example, his damaging diversion of
McDowell's forces from their supporting role during the Peninsula campaign.
Lincoln thus comes off as an inexperienced meddler without the will to order his
commanders to follow his strategic vision. But, at the same time, he credits
Lincoln with advocating "multiple, concurrent movements against the enemy," a
strategy "plagued by generals unwilling or incapable of carrying it out—at least
until 1864" (79). To Stoker, this strategy rightly placed pressure on
Confederate armies as the center of gravity behind the Southern war effort. So,
to conclude as he does that Lincoln's "strategic ideas, barring emancipation,
had virtually no impact on the course of the war" (410) is self-contradictory.
Lincoln's command style suits Stoker's presentation of the most frustrating
and fascinating element of Civil War leadership: the lack of assertiveness at
almost every level on the part of commanders and policymakers who refused to
enforce their will on subordinates. Well known examples are Lee's "if
practicable" orders and Lincoln's pleading missives to McClellan. Indeed, Stoker
finds indecisive, excessively tactful commanders across the whole conflict:
McClellan "asks" Halleck to take Decatur, Alabama, in March 1862; Halleck cannot
bring himself to order Rosecrans forward in the summer of 1863; Joseph Johnston
refuses to command his army that same summer and Davis is unwilling to relieve
or overrule him. The list goes on, with superiors doing their best to stroke
rather than curb the egos of their subordinates, which may reflect the customs
of a nineteenth-century officer corps governed by an archaic gentlemanly code of
conduct. At times it was proper for a commander to defer to a subordinate who
had a better understanding of the tactical and operational picture on the
ground. As Stoker demonstrates, however, a general hesitancy meant that an
overall "grand design" was rarely impressed upon those charged with implementing
it. Such recurrent command failure naturally caused critical strategic lapses
and the war dragged on for four bloody years.
While much here is familiar and needlessly envisions too wide an audience,
The Grand Design is still commendable for striving to mesh the stated
objectives of political and military figures during the war with the strategic
realities they actually created. Stoker's "unapologetically top-down" (405)
perspective has merit in this broad approach to a vast subject.