Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2009. Pp. xv, 368. ISBN 978-0-306-81620-8.
David Downing opens Sealing Their Fate at sunrise on 17 November 1941,
on the deck of the Japanese battleship Nagato. On that Monday morning,
the Nagato carried Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto to the sprawling anchorage of
the Japanese First Air Fleet in Saeki Bay off the island of Kyushu. There the
architect of the Pearl Harbor attack spoke to a group of officers assembled on
the flight deck of the flagship Akagi before sending them on their
fateful voyage to awaken the sleeping giant. Twenty-two days and three hundred
pages later, the book closes with the result of the Japanese fleet's voyage. The
book's dust jacket tersely summarizes Downing's subject: "In just three weeks,
from November 17 to December 8, 1941, the course of World War II was decided and
the fate of Germany and Japan was sealed." Within those temporal boundaries,
Downing's account ranges freely from "from snowbound Russian villages to the
stormy northern Pacific, from the North African desert to Europe's warring
capitals, and from Tokyo to Washington" in pages populated by a "host of
ordinary soldiers, sailors, and airmen" as well as "the political and military
figures whose decisions brought about the war's dramatic engagements" (front
Downing is well-equipped to write this sort of popular military history.
Though he started his career as a journalist for rock magazines, publishing his
first book, Future Rock, in 1975, he has expanded his scope to encompass
adult fiction, political-military history, modern culture, and juvenile
nonfiction. His well-received John Russell thrillers[1] have led reviewers to
compare him to authors like Alan Furst and John Le Carré. His action fiction
also includes many stories written under the pseudonym of David Monnery.
Reviewers have praised Downing's young-adult nonfiction for its clear and
concise explanations of such complex topics as genocide, apartheid, communism,
capitalism, democracy, fascism, the Great Depression, and terrorism. This very
prolific writer even has an atlas to his credit.
Writers of popular fiction have often ventured into military history by
tapping into the inherently dramatic works of traditional "drums and trumpets"
historians who focused on great military leaders and their armies or their
political equivalents. More current military studies typically take a
multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to the experiences of mud
soldiers and citizens in a broader social and cultural context. Downing follows
the latter trend in Sealing Their Fate. He combines high-level views of
governments and military staffs with the front-line perspectives of soldiers and
others in the combat zone. Using this framework, he weaves together material
from each major participating nation, theater of war, and branch of service. His
chapters are collages of conversations and narratives from cabinet rooms to
foxholes around the world, assembled to tell the story of a single day.
Many other writers have similarly concentrated on the daily chronology of
wartime turning points. John Lukacs, for example, follows such a blueprint in
his Five Days in London, 1940,[2] though on a much smaller stage. Compared
to his more intimate and detailed account, Downing's broad, transcontinental
perspective poses a daunting challenge. His solid writing skills supply many
entertaining passages, but the scene sometimes shifts so frequently or abruptly
among the many characters and settings as to leave the reader momentarily
disoriented. For example, on pages 134-35, the narrative bounces from North
Africa to the Mediterranean, and thence to the South Atlantic. Touching on Dutch
Guiana for a single paragraph, the tour ends in Cordell Hull's State Department
As a writer of thrillers, Downing well understands of the need for a steady
drumbeat of action leading to an exciting climax, but tension can be
particularly hard to achieve when even moderately informed readers know the
story's outcome. Downing often sustains suspense through a technique more
familiar to novelists than historians. At one point, for instance, he refers to
a passage in Ian Kershaw's biography of Adolf Hitler[3] that has Joseph Goebbels
asking the Führer in late 1941 if he still believed in victory. Kershaw quotes
(and Downing reproduces) Hitler's reply that he had believed in victory in 1918
as a blinded corporal and had more reason to believe in 1941 than in 1918.
Downing then introduces a bit of latent tension between Hitler and his loyal
henchman: "Goebbels refrained from pointing out that the half-blinded corporal's
belief had proved mistaken." If this thought passed through Goebbels's mind, it
is not clear how Downing knows, since he uses no archival or other primary
source materials. Quotations (without page citations) are taken from secondary
sources including published diaries, memoirs, and biographies; thus, Downing
buttresses his account by drawing on (without comment) such controversial
sources as Guy Sajer's The Forgotten Soldier[4] and Count Galeazzo Ciano's
self-serving diaries.[5]
In Downing's characterization, Hitler is a shadowy figure, popping onto the
stage to deliver a line or two before exiting until his next cameo. Similarly,
two long passages on Hermann Göring focus on his art collecting activities (246,
299) but devote little space to the Luftwaffe's efforts during the final push on
Moscow or the resupplying of Gen. Erwin Rommel in North Africa, tasks Göring
cannot have completely ignored however much art he plundered in this three-week
With so much ground (and water and air) to be covered, there is, to be sure,
hardly room for nuanced and detailed character portrayals even of central
figures, but Downing makes it clear that he finds all the wartime leaders
generally contemptible: "There is far too much deference accorded by historians
to political and military leaders, most of whom ally average intelligence to
above-average doses of less desirable human attributes. The history of these
twenty-two days is replete with stupidity, incompetence, short-sightedness and
evil in high places, and remarkably deficient in wisdom, simple competence,
far-sightedness or human empathy. Finest hours were thin on the ground" (330).
Downing's portrayal of the wartime leadership recalls the controversial
labeling of First World War generals as "donkeys" because of the human costs of
their misguided tactics[6]. He write near the end of the book that
The political leaders exercised no moderating influence on their military
commanders. The Axis and Japanese leaders set their losing wars in motion, set
its brutal tone, sacrificing millions of other nationals and eventually millions
of their own. They made the essentially heartless mistake of believing that
whole peoples could be subdued indefinitely by intimidation and violence, when
all the evidence available to them actually suggested otherwise. Stalin was as
reckless with lives in war as he had been in peace, Roosevelt made sure that
nuclear science would be applied, first and foremost, to weapons of mass
destruction, and Churchill gave his full backing to the strategic bombing policy
which served as a precedent for so many later atrocities. Small wonder that the
baleful legacy of the Second World War still lingers on (331).
The problem is that Downing simply makes such bald claims, including the
fantasy notions that FDR ought (presumably) to have been pursuing peaceful uses
of nuclear power and that Stalin's peacetime purges were no different from his
wartime blunders, without having previously argued for them in the first three
hundred pages of his text. His criticism of the strategic bombing campaigns
fails to take into account their context: the aerial destruction of German
cities did not occur in a vacuum, though one may disagree over the necessity
then and the meaning now of such tactics (especially their causal links to later
atrocities). Some recent historians see in the revisionist criticism of
strategic bombing a tendency to extend the status of victim to Germans who
otherwise supported the genocidal National Socialist regime. Downing indulges in
other implausible asides, as when he likens the "multilateral civil war"
provoked by the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941 to the "fate that Iraq
would suffer sixty-two years later" (147). But he springs most comments of this
sort on the reader in the epilogue of an otherwise fairly conventional
As we might expect of the creator of a successful action hero writing for a
general audience, Downing has fashioned a lively narrative. But, except for its
final chapter, Sealing Their Fate is merely another in a long line of
books that mostly rehash long familiar stories.