Terence Parker
Review of Fearghal McGarry,
The Rising: Ireland--Easter 1916. New York: Oxford Univ. Press,
2010. Pp. xiii, 365. ISBN 978-0-19-280186-9.
Irish Rebellion of Easter 1916 has been examined many times, but
Fearghal McGarry (Queen's University, Belfast) "tells the story of the Rising from within and
below, describing the events of this period from the perspective of
those who lived through it, particularly the men and women from
ordinary backgounds who have remained unknown figures" (4). To do
this, he draws on the seventeen hundred contemporary witness
statements, recently released by Dublin's Bureau of Military
History, obtained from Sinn Fein, the Irish Republican Brotherhood,
Cumann na mBan (the women's para-military organization), and the
Irish Volunteers. While McGarry knows oral histories worry some
academics, he maintains "the statements … enhance our understanding
of the motivations, mentality, and experiences of the evolutionary
generation, preserving something of the texture and complexity of
the past rarely recorded by conventional sources" (5).
McGarry thus recognizes the emotional
intricacies of the rebellion, but adopts a rather dry, "door
nameplate" approach to set the scene in Spring 1916. Consequently,
readers will struggle to remember all the objectively catalogued
pressure groups. Perhaps this is to be expected: as journalist Tom
Geraghty has noted,
The pursuit of Irish history is a sometimes
foggy affair, a meandering track that leads into a dark political
wilderness and an ambiguous landscape that reflects a Gaelic
language in which there is no simple word for "Yes" or "No" …. Irish
history sanctifies two equally valid traditions. One is the physical
force tradition … and the other is the moral force tradition. The
embodiment of the first in Irish culture invests violence with a
respectability that is part of a martial culture. (The very word
"Celt" comes from the Greek for
In 1916,
British Anglo-Saxons found themselves pitted against such Celts, not
an integrated force but an untidy mix of idealistic communists, hard
republicans, ecclesiastic sectarians, and romantic revolutionaries,
each pursuing a different objective against the harsh background of
the Great War.
After McGarry's tedious scene setting, the book prompts avid
reading, as individual eyewitnesses describe the often ludicrously
chaotic stages of the Rising. For example, Volunteer J.J. Walsh
noted that "At Bantry there was the unique spectacle of no less than
three potential armies. At the entrance we met and addressed the
O'Brienites. In the middle of the great square were a few Sinn
Feiners, while at the other end we addressed the Redmonites. These
groups would not work together as one body and it was the same in
many parts of the country" (75). Public support, too, was rare. "The
unfortunately named Patrick Looney recalled: 'I went to Beeing and
put up notices and gave out leaflets explaining the objects of the
Volunteers. A number of men joined nominally, but the people
generally thought us mad.... The politicians gave the advice—'Take
no notice of him, he's mad'" (55).
This widespread discord stemmed from the
principal uncertainty: "If Ireland is viewed as forming an integral
part of an imperfect but flexible and increasingly democratic
constitutional arrangement, the actions of the Easter rebels appear
unreasonable and reprehensible. Alternatively, for those who regard
the union as an imperialist façade underpinned by the threat of
military force, the rebellion represented a justifiable and
admirable assertion of national sovereignty" (17-18). Similarly
onerous uncertainties have prolonged many modern conflicts, most
notably the latter stages of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, and, more
recently, NATO's increasingly questionable presence in Afghanistan and U.S. involvement in Somalia.[2]
McGarry proceeds chronologically: from a résumé
of Irish history; to the first stirrings of dissent and the brief,
euphoric rising itself; to failings and disillusionment; and,
finally, to Britain’s swift--but unwise--execution of the
ringleaders. That action, paradoxically, prompted the hitherto
indifferent public to call for a united Ireland.
The book opens with an Introduction (1-7) illustrated by a helpful
map of Ireland showing the four principal regions—Ulster, Connaught,
Leinster, and Munster, with the counties in each: Donegal, Antrim,
Tyrone, etc. Eight chapters describe each stage of The Rising.
McGarry concludes with a Guide to Further Reading. The book also
contains thirty-three pages of detailed source Notes and a
comprehensive Index.
Chapter 1, "The Rising Generation: Separatism in Ireland" (8-43).
After noting that "Between 1913 and 1923 a political revolution
occurred in Ireland" (8), McGarry explains the main influences: sad,
historic exploitation of mainly Catholic Ireland by latterly
Protestant Britain; the largely agrarian Irish society; the
arrogant, often thoughtless behaviour of British overlords; and the
mood of self-righteous rebellion sweeping contemporary Europe.
These influences spawned various pressure groupings: tribal,
trade-unionist, political, sectarian, and nationalist. One
eyewitness, Padraig O'Kelly, speaking about the Irish Republican
Brotherhood, describes his generation's experience of "natural
graduation" from cultural nationalism to separatist violence: "One
usually began by playing Gaelic Football or Hurling; from that the
next step was the Gaelic League; from that again to the Sein Fein
movement and later the Irish Volunteers. For relaxation we attended
cèilithe [Old Irish: "parties"] and the Irish Theatre. We bought nothing but the
Irish-made goods…. With that background it was rather a natural
progression to participation in the Rising" (25).
Chapter 2, "Arms in Irish Hands: Volunteering"
(44-78). The term "volunteer" seems peculiar to the Irish struggle:
all of the separatist groups adopted the term, and the volunteers
saw themselves as the "minutemen" of Ireland--ready to overthrow the
oppressor or respond to every cultural slight.[3]
na mBan drew in the women, against the wishes of many
traditionalists and with varying success or satisfaction. Maire
Fitzpatrick (who later set up her own branch) noted: "Sean got hold
of a revolver and I was allowed to use it, until one day I shot a
chicken belonging to Mum" (61). "Maeve Cavanagh 'got tired' of the
organization as 'they were only collecting money and such like
activities'; later joining Connolly's Citizen Army (where women
were trained to shoot)"
(65). Firearms were in short supply: Germany was the natural source
of new weapons; the "American Connection"[4]
had yet to be exploited.
Paradoxically, the very assertive, pro-British Ulster Volunteers
were the first group to arm themselves (against the possible
imposition of Home Rule by Britain) and became the "empowering model
for Irish nationalism" (50).
Chapter 3, "The Soul of the Nation: War" (79-119). The Great War
halted movement toward Home Rule, both providing an opportunity for
mischief and uniting much of Ireland against the common enemy:
Germany. Enlistment was brisk. Irish soldiers were escorted as they
entrained for the Front--both Ulster Volunteers and (Irish) National
Volunteers turned out with their respective bands (81). Propaganda
reports of German atrocities in "Catholic Belgium" (82) encouraged
pro-British sentiment, but this was subdued by the favoritism of
Kitchener's War Office toward the Ulster Volunteer Force (88).
Consequently, "nationalist public opinion began to shift from strong
pro-allyism, through disillusionment, to neutralism" but
separatists were still regarded as an "ill-balanced lot of
idealistic 'rainbow chasers'" (89). This was a questionable basis
for insurrection.
Chapter 4, "Walking on Air: The Rising in Dublin" (120-65). McGarry
explains how uncertain support was matched by unclear strategy and
largely amateur tactics. In essence 1,600 rebels occupied and
fortified a ring of prominent buildings of questionable importance
or military value: no arsenal, no barracks, no city hall. They then
patiently awaited the arrival of a vastly superior British force,
which soon crushed them. That said, in the minds of the rebels--and
many of those who watched--it was a glorious event. One elderly
rebel was prompted to fight because of his children: "I was never
able to do much for them but isn't this the grandest thing I could
ever do for them" (125). Other elders offered their children: "Pat
Fox thrust his young son--who was killed the following day--towards
Frank Robbins as the rebels marched from Liberty Hall" (125). Two
incidents exemplify the administrative difficulties facing the rebel
leaders. "Charles Donnelly described how 'a big burly man of the
dock-labourer type came to the window and said he wanted to fight
with Mister Connolly. After failing to master a rifle, he was given
a pike and told to guard the main entrance of the GPO. Donnelly
watched him die later that week: he seemed to have lost his head, as
he was unarmed and moving along in a pugilistic attitude. He was
riddled with bullets" (150). The second incident concerned two
foreign sailors: "motivated by the geopolitical intricacies of
wartime Europe, (they) poked their heads through a window of the GPO
to offer their services (but only until Thursday when their ship was
due to disembark)" (150).
Chapter 5, "Glorious Forever: The Fall of the Republic" (166-209).
The Easter Rising caught the British by surprise: only 400 of
Dublin's 2,400 soldiers were available for duty; leading figures
were absent; and a "let sleeping dogs lie" attitude to the
rabble-rousers prevailed. McGarry describes how the surprisingly
prompt, effective British response to the rising was greatly
assisted by both the rebels' military shortcomings and the
still-ambivalent attitude of the populace. "One Volunteer--recalling
the 'very hostile' reception his men had received since
Monday--wryly noted the local response when a British machine-gun
corps paused for rest: 'within a few minutes every man had a cup of
tea. Upper Leeson Street was loyal to the Empire' " (169). The
rebels enjoyed some initial success: the British infantry "'did not
seem to know what their objective was, or where they were going,' a
Volunteer from Robert's Yard stated, 'Those that came in our
direction were completely wiped out. The bridge and
Northumberland Road were strewn with dead and wounded'" (171). Both
sides have been accused of atrocities. Most rebels and many of the
young British soldiers were enduring their baptism of fire, but six
days after the Rising began, British might prevailed and the
newly proclaimed Irish Republic fell.
Chapter 6, "Charlie Weston, Are You Gone Mad? The Rising in
Provincial Ireland" (210-46). The uncertain impetus (see Patrick
Looney's statement above), questionable strategy, and fragmented
rebel organization in Dublin prevailed throughout Ireland.
The ambivalence of the general public and the lack of German
enthusiasm offered little succor to the rising, but McGarry believes
the rebels planned "to trap the British forces between the five
thousand-strong rebel force in Dublin and the Volunteers who would
converge on the capital from the country" (212). This strategy
unrealistically hinged on the notion that the combined efforts of
German U-Boats and Irish Volunteers could prevent reinforcements
arriving from Britain (212).
Chapter 7, "A Good End: Punishment" (247-76). McGarry explains how
disorderly the surrender was: the British
escorted rebel leader Pearce's surrender order to outlying
garrisons. Many rebels wished to fight on; others, as yet untouched
by the conflict, felt humiliated. Most of the rebel leaders
accurately foresaw their fate. Talking of imprisonment, one leader,
Creannt, told his men "You men will get a double journey, but we the
leaders will get a single journey" (249). Despite this, "Eamon Price
felt 'really proud of my Volunteers' as they marched in formation,
executing 'a series of parade-ground manoeuvres' before laying down
their arms" (251). British observers were also impressed. Many Irish
soldiers openly expressed sympathy with the rebels' objectives; but
their imprisonment was rudimentary and often disturbed by the sound
of gunshots at dawn. Some women shared this hardship; others were
not taken seriously and were released during the surrender. Male
pride and defiance continued up to execution. The officer in charge
of a firing squad reported that "all who were executed (by his
squad) died bravely. MacDonagh indeed came down the stairs
whistling" but the medical officer present noted that "the rifles of
the firing party were waving like a field of corn." The British
commander, General Maxwell, in one of his few farsighted decisions,
ordered that the corpses be buried in quicklime in a mass grave at
Arbour Hill, still a lonely, comparatively neglected spot (276).
Chapter 8, "The Beginning of Ireland: Aftermath" (277-93). John H.
Michaelis, an American commanding officer during the Korean War told
his men "You're not here to die for your country; you're here to
make those so-and-sos die for theirs!" The connection between such
deaths and long-term national benefit is often tenuous, but the 1916
executions accelerated the move toward Irish Independence. The
Easter Rising had brought "crime, horror and destruction" and the
leaders were often viewed as "criminals, traitors, fanatics, or, at
best, dangerously misguided fools" (278), but attitudes quickly
changed after their executions, as may be seen in W.B. Yeats's
"Easter 1916" (completed on 25 September 1916): "To know they
dreamed and are dead;/ And what if excess of love/ Bewildered them
till they died?/ I write it out in a verse--/ MacDonagh and
MacBride,/ And Connolly and Pearce/ Now and time to be/ Whenever
green is worn,/ Are changed, changed utterly:/ A terrible beauty is
born" (283).
McGarry points out that "the Easter rising … brought republicanism
from the margins to the mainstream of Irish Nationalism" (287) and
illuminated "the integrity and idealism of a generation of Irish men
and women who struggled to realize a vision of Ireland different to
the one in which they had been born" (293). His very readable narrative captures the varied emotions
which swirled through the Rising and led to its tragic but glorious
climax. The wealth of individual experience it draws upon is the
book's main strength, but readers will also find a clear chronology
and a good introduction to the dramatis personae.
Salisbury, Wiltshire,
[1] The Irish War: The Hidden Conflict between
the IRA and British Intelligence (1998; rpt. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins U Pr, 2000) xiv, 77.
[2] Bronwyn E. Bruton, "Somalia: A New Approach,"
Council on Foreign Relations Special Report No. 52 (March 2010)
[3] This spirit lives on in the troubled North,
where violence continues despite various social
and political accords--see "Belfast Riots Morph for YouTube
Generation," The Lede: Blogging the News with Robert Mackey
[NY Times] (14 Jul 2010) <link>;
text only <link>.
[4] Jack Holland, The American Connection: U.S.
Guns, Money, and Influence in Northern Ireland (NY: Viking,