Gervase Phillips
of Louis A. DiMarco, War Horse: A History of the Military
Horse and Rider. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2008. Pp. xii,
415. ISBN: 978-1-59416-034-9.
A one-volume
history of mounted warfare is a bold undertaking, for the scope of
the topic is immense. As Louis DiMarco remarks in the introduction
to this new study, "the war horse and rider was a viable military
system for more than 3,000 years, far longer than any other military
system" (ix). It is a challenge that has largely defeated the
handful of historians who have attempted the task thus far: G. T.
Denison, in the late nineteenth century, wrote what was,
essentially, a polemic advocating the then current "mounted
rifleman" school rather than a history;[1]
in 1961, James Lunt, a former cavalryman, published an elegy for his
arm, too episodic to serve as a general history.[2]
In the 1970s, two works, one a collection of essays,[3]
the other a monograph by John Ellis,[4]
attempted a
more comprehensive coverage, but these slim volumes provide only
superficial treatment of their topic, and Ellis's work is marred by
his ideological prejudices against those social classes who (in the
west at least) traditionally dominated the cavalry branch. DiMarco's
work is different: in his history, the horse itself provides the
strong, central, unifying theme. The physical characteristics of the
horse, breeds and types, horse equipment, equitation and horse
mastership (care of horses) in the field--these are DiMarco's
concerns as he takes his reader from the earliest years of man's
blossoming relationship with equids, up through their use by
American special forces in Afghanistan today.
with these subjects is absolutely essential to understanding the
capabilities and limitations of cavalry forces throughout history,
and yet military historians have often woefully, even wilfully,
foregone any appreciation of the horse as a living, breathing
creature. It is much easier to dismiss nineteenth- and
twentieth-century cavalrymen, in particular, as technophobic
reactionaries than to properly research subjects like remount
services, the training of horse and riders, and the feeding and care
of horses on campaign, in order to gain some sense of the factors
that shaped cavalry performance in the field. Even so astute a
historian as Robert Citino has characterized the cavalryman as a
simple "military conservative," "a hard to miss target," whose
continued existence was wholly at odds with modern firepower.[5]
DiMarco's contribution to the literature will, hopefully, deter such
simplistic judgments. He argues, with some force, that the advent in
1930s of reliable motorized vehicles, with reasonable cross-country
performance and a good radius of action, and not modern firepower
augured the obsolescence of cavalry. Up till then, at least, the
military horse and rider must be taken seriously. The mounted arm,
in a particular theater or era, must be judged carefully as a living
system in its own specific context, a partnership of man and horse.
In this regard, I can recommend DiMarco's work as the best
single-volume history of cavalry, but I must register some serious
reservations, too.
DiMarco faces
the same basic problem as cavalry's other historians. To write a
truly broad history of the arm is a daunting task
requiring the author to be selective in his approach. DiMarco is
honest about this from the start. He is fully aware of the crucial
military significance of draft animals and gun teams, but these are
not his subjects: the cavalry mount is his focus. Nor does he wish
to re-tell familiar tales: the Light Brigade, Little Big Horn,
Beersheba, etc. Although he illustrates each chapter with brief
campaign histories to detail how the arm was used in the field in
each particular era, limitations of space preclude fuller discussion
of cavalry armies and battles. In some respects, DiMarco shows sound
judgment in choosing what to include and what to exclude. His book
is chronologically well balanced in its coverage of the ancient,
medieval, and modern worlds, unlike Roman Jarymowycz's recent
history of "cavalry," which devotes almost half its pages to the
twentieth century and espouses the dubious notion that armored and
mechanized formations are simply natural evolutions of horse-mobile
However, the
exclusion of certain topics from DiMarco's work causes concern.
Although his admiration for and appreciation of eastern horsemanship
shines through in his handling of the Crusades and the Steppe
armies, the more modern chapters are very western orientated, having
far too little to say about the Mughals of India, the early modern
Ottomans, or the Persian army of Nadir Shah. This may, of course, be
a case of market pressures dictating content. Chapters on the
American Civil War and the Second South African War will appeal to a
popular audience, but both conflicts primarily demonstrate the
near impossibility of extemporizing effective, mass cavalry arms out
of next-to-nothing and the appalling and cruel "wastage" of horses
arising from the attempt.
While clearly
aimed at a wide popular readership, War Horse is based on
thorough scholarship, as the careful footnoting and long
bibliography attest. This is a difficult trick to pull off: it
is not simply a question of content but of engagement in sometimes
very specialized academic debates. For this purpose, DiMarco has the
necessary credentials: he has taught military history at the Army
Command and Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has a
(retired) lieutenant colonel's particular insight into military
organizations but generally avoids the common, regrettable
soldier-turned-historian's habit of projecting modern military
ideologies back into the past. He also has a very practical,
firsthand knowledge of horses. Yet his mastery of the wider
literature of his subject is patchy and his analyses sometimes seem
For example,
DiMarco's chapter on medieval warfare, "the Knight and his Mount,"
in some particulars reflects current academic thinking: he has no
time for that old notion that the knight and his war horse utterly
dominated the medieval battlefield. He is also very sure-footed when
dealing with such issues as the impact of the stirrup and the size
of the medieval war horse. But he also echoes very old-fashioned
ideas that medievalists have long since overturned: "it is likely
that Medieval men-at-arms and commanders did not fully understand
the tactical complexity of charging with hundreds, or even
thousands, of armoured cavalry .... unit training was nonexistent"
(83). This is simply not the case. As Matthew Bennett has shown,[7]
some western cavalry, for example, that of the military-religious
orders, was thoroughly prepared to manoeuvre and fight in large
formations and exhibited very good unit cohesion, and command and
control, in combat. Bernard Bachrach, too, has demonstrated that the
Norman cavalry had "a well established tactical repertoire" that
included the kind of sophisticated maneuver more usually associated
with Steppe armies, for example, the feigned retreats employed at
Arques (1053), Messina (1060), and Hastings (1066).[8]
problems arise elsewhere in the book. In his opening chapter,
DiMarco asserts that "close scientific analysis of horse bits found
in archaeological digs in Dereivka, Ukraine, combined with carbon
dating techniques indicates that the earliest evidence of ridden
horses dates to about 4000 BC…" (2). In fact, it is not clear that
the antler artefacts found at the Dereivka site were horse
equipment. The dig did yield teeth from a stallion, with obvious bit
wear. These were originally misdated to c. 4000 B.C., but subsequent
carbon dating revealed that the stallion actually died somewhere
between 700 and 200 B.C. The debate about exactly when riding first
developed remains ongoing, but DiMarco does not acknowledge this.
Oddly enough, Robert Drews' book, Early Riders,[9]
which argues that effective riding is a comparatively recent
development, dating only from about 900 B.C., though it appears in
DiMarco's bibliography, is not cited in the relevant chapter, nor
does it seem to have influenced his thinking generally. Further,
recent scholars who argue for riding on the Eurasian steppe by 4000
seem not to have been consulted at all.
DiMarco has drawn on both
popular and academic studies (he has not undertaken original
research for what is, after all, largely a work of synthesis) and in
many areas he has chosen his sources well, especially on the ancient
and medieval periods, the American Civil War, and nineteenth- and
twentieth-century British cavalry. Yet significant names are
missing, particularly in the areas of early modern warfare[11]
and modern cavalry.[12]
Conversely, some included sources are unreliable, such as a website
that trots out jaded nationalist mythology about the natural
horsemanship, horse-mastery, and bush craft of Australian troopers
in South Africa, as compared to their blundering British
Chapter Eight,
"Industrial War and Cavalry," is the weakest in the book.
Overwhelmingly concerned with the American Civil War, it argues, in
a frankly dated fashion, that a progressive, modern American cavalry
embraced a new role as a mobile firepower resource, while the
conservative European cavalry arrogantly dismissed the American
experience. Ironically, having castigated those snobbish Europeans
for ignoring America's Civil War, DiMarco announces that the
European wars of the period, including the Crimea and the wars of
German Unification, offered few lessons because they were
"small-scale" (231). At Königgrätz (Sadowa) on 3 July 1866, 240,000
Habsburg troops engaged 250,000 Prussians (compare the 75,500
Confederate and 85,500 Federal troops at Gettysburg three years
earlier). The Crimean War, lasting three years, involved four major
powers--Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire, and Russia--fighting on
a global scale in the Baltic, the Balkans, the Pacific, the Crimea,
and Anatolia, at a cost of 500,000 dead.[14]
Hardly "small scale" conflicts. Nor were they insignificant in the
history of cavalry, too, from the perspective of tactics (unhappy
British experiments with revolvers in the Crimea; the successful
French North African cavalry in the same theater), strategy, and
operations (Russian use of "independent" cavalry during the siege of
Kars). Their absence leaves a regrettably large gap in War Horse.
And yet
DiMarco has managed to cover much ground in a text accessible to a
wide audience. Having honed his skills authoring army manuals, he
writes in a clear and direct style, without any great literary
flourish. And, too, placing the horse at the center of his analysis
gives the text a dimension lacking in comparable one-volume studies
of mounted warfare. Those seeking an in-depth history of the
military horse and rider are best advised to read the specialist
works on specific eras and campaigns. But for those wishing an
introductory survey that tells the story from prehistory to the
twenty-first century, War Horse is the book to read, but it
should be read with some caution.
Metropolitan University