David Ian Hall
Review of Dennis
Showalter, Hitler's Panzers: The Lightning Attacks That
Revolutionized Warfare. New York: Berkley Caliber, 2009. Pp.
390. ISBN 978-0-425-23004-6.
Few subjects attract the attention of general readers, historians,
and publishers alike more than armored warfare as practiced by the
German Army and the Waffen SS during World War II. A cursory look
at relevant titles available from an internet bookseller reveals
well over 4,000 books of various types and assorted scholarly value
for an apparently insatiable audience. Hitler's Panzers,
Professor Dennis Showalter's masterful synthesis, is a welcome
addition to this crowded field of historical research. It puts the
panzers at the center of three interfacing narratives: their
"contributions to the development of mechanized war and armor
technology, their influence on the role of the army in German
culture and society, and their role in the Third Reich's conduct of
World War II--militarily and morally" (1). The approach here is
broadly narrative rather than particularist, providing a story as
much as a history, but without sacrificing depth, breadth, or
context. The book will appeal to a very wide readership in modern
military history.
Showalter is eminently qualified to write this book. For more than
forty years, he has taught military history at Colorado College (and
on five occasions as a distinguished visiting professor at U.S.
military academies). He has published more than a dozen books and
well over a hundred scholarly articles on German military history
from Frederick the Great to World War II. Hitler's Panzers is
the well-honed product of this lifetime of teaching, research, and
writing on the theory, strategy, tactics, myths, and realities of
Germany's approach to warfare. The book also deals candidly and
critically with the darker aspects of the partnership of German
military leaders and armed forces with National Socialism.
The first two chapters of the book provide an erudite introduction
to the history of armored and mechanized warfare in World War I and
its further development in the 1920s and 30s. Showalter tells us the
British introduced the tank to the modern battlefield in 1916,
during the Battle of the Somme, achieving spectacular but ultimately
limited tactical success. The Germans quickly developed effective
antitank measures, which in part explains their tardy appreciation
of the operational benefits of armored warfare. Weakness in
Germany's war industries and growing shortages in raw materials in
1917 and 1918 further reduced the General Staff's interest in
developing this new form of warfare. The combination of the unsolved
tactical and operational problems (combining fire and movement) and
military restrictions imposed by the Versailles Treaty led General
Hans von Seeckt and the Reichswehr in the 1920s to search for a new
way to defeat an enemy's superior numbers. This did not mean either
instant or widespread German enthusiasm for tanks and mechanized
warfare, but with von Seeckt's steady encouragement and a number of
military and political incentives, a cadre of talented young
officers in various branches of the army persisted with their
investigations and trials. These efforts, combined with the rise of
Hitler and the National Socialist government beginning in 1933, in
due course produced the panzer forces that spearheaded victories in
Poland and France in 1939 and 1940.
Showalter is at his best explaining the basis of the panzers'
success: "The guiding tactical principle was attack by fire and
movement: platoons and individual tanks supporting each other, and
in turn supported by motorized infantry, artillery, and
engineers--an integrated combat team. Tank-against-tank combat was
not considered something to be sought, merely an aspect of the
overall mission. Its success depended on hitting first with superior
firepower, and, like every other aspect of armored warfare, that
situation was best created by seizing the initiative through
maneuver" (69-70).
The Spanish Civil War provided the practical experience the
German army needed to refine its armored doctrine and battle
tactics, and to broaden its concept of all-arms (including
ground-air) cooperation. Hitler and the Nazis added both essential
political support and a furor teutonicus to the new,
high-tempo offensive warfare.
Chapter three covers the Wehrmacht's three triumphant campaigns
against Poland, Denmark and Norway, and the Low Counties and France.
"Blitzkrieg" or "lightning war," with the panzers in the lead,
shattered Germany's numerically superior and, at least on paper,
more formidable enemies in a matter of weeks. These were
extraordinary triumphs compared with the protracted and demoralizing
stalemates of the Great War only twenty years earlier. "Blitzkrieg"
was not, however, a German word, but a sensationalized label coined
by a British journalist writing for the Daily Mail, a popular
London tabloid newspaper, not Time magazine (85). In any
case, the word was adopted to describe the unprecedented success of
German arms in the summer of 1940. The men and machines of Hitler's
panzer and panzer grenadier divisions acquired a mythic stature that
neither defeats in Russia, Normandy, and during the Battle of the
Bulge, nor the passage of time has diminished.
In chapter four, Showalter examines the consequences of the fall of
France for both the western allies and the German army in terms of
the new challenges of modern war: "blitzkrieg's real victor in 1940
was National Socialism" (132). The panzers enabled the Nazis to
transform their apocalyptic ideology into genocidal reality. Rather
than establishing a new paradigm of war, "the success of 1940
arguably led Germany down a dead-end road of operative hubris,
emphasizing combat at the expense of strategy" (131). The victories
did not suddenly come to an end: campaigns in the Balkans, North
Africa, and Operation Barbarossa, against the Soviet Union, all
demonstrated the extraordinary fighting prowess of the panzers and
the Wehrmacht. But the seeds of decline were also planted during
these campaigns as deficiencies in its wartime industries, fuel
shortages, and logistical oversights started to erode Germany's
military effectiveness. The book's last three chapters discuss the
decline, defeat, and destruction of the panzers and the Third Reich.
A short epilogue summarizes the end of the panzer divisions and the
differing fates of their army and Waffen SS commanders at the hands
of the Allies. It also discusses the effect of the war's lessons on
the Bundeswehr, the British Army, the U.S. Army, and NATO during the
Cold War.
Dennis Showalter skillfully tells a complex and at times
controversial story with a tone and degree of detail suited to both
experts and new readers in World War II studies. In addition, he
unobtrusively weaves into his narrative the main historiographical
debates concerning the development of operational art in the two
world wars (and the key contributors to these debates). Not all
readers, however, will be happy with the absence of footnotes and
bibliography. And, too, the volume's five maps, while illustrating
the main strategic course of the war, do not provide any specific
information on the war fought and experienced by the panzers and
panzer grenadiers. These shortcomings are mitigated by the
reasonable price of the book. Most scholarly monographs with
detailed notes and extensive bibliographies, prized by graduate
students and serious scholars, are priced around $125 and marketed
mainly to libraries.
Readers seeking an informed, intelligently argued, and engaging
account of German armored warfare in the first half of the twentieth
century will find this book well worth their investment of time and
King's College London
dhall.jscsc@da.mod.uk |