Grant W. Jones |
Review of Michael
Korda, With Wings Like Eagles: A History of the Battle of
Britain. New York: HarperCollins, 2009. Pp. 322. ISBN
978-0-06-112535-5. |
As the historian Barrie
Pitt correctly judged, the key to British victory in the Battle of
Britain was "the ability to climb high and fast, to shoot straight,
and even more important, to be in the right place at the right time."[1]
Many histories of the Battle focus on the last item in Pitt's list,
"to be in the right place at the time," with good reason. The British
air defense system created in the late 1930s was truly revolutionary
and gave the Royal Air Force (RAF) an edge in defeating the German
Luftwaffe. Michael Korda's With Wings Like Eagles follows this
familiar approach by casting the RAF's Fighter Command's commanding
officer, Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding, as the drama's central
figure. Dowding provided the vision and leadership that ensured
victory in the air over southern England.
In 1932, British Prime
Minister Stanley Baldwin intoned, "The bomber will always get
through," a common opinion after the experiences of World War I. The
author was introduced to the idea of strategic bombing by his uncle,
the filmmaker Alexander Korda, who produced the film Things to Come
(1936; dir. W.C. Menzies) based on a book by H. G. Wells,[2]
who also wrote the screenplay. The movie graphically dramatized the
commonly held view that if war broke out both London and Paris would
be subjected to immediate air bombardment. Vincent Korda, the author's
father, the film's set designer, received the Academy Award for Best
Art Direction in 1940 for Thief of Baghdad (dir. L. Berger et
After serving in the RAF
in the 1950s, Michael Korda began his storied career as an editor
(eventually Editor-in-Chief) at Simon and Schuster, whose list
included such "amateur" historians as William L. Shirer and Will and
Ariel Durant. Korda has written well-received biographies of U.S.
Grant and Dwight Eisenhower.[3]
While not an academic historian, he brings extensive knowledge, good
judgment, and superlative writing skills to his work. (While the full
academic panoply is absent, his book does provide a most useful
In his opening chapter,
Korda sets out the fundamental topics of his treatment of the Battle,
including the creation of Fighter Command's air defense system, the
big wing and attrition strategies, the leadership qualities of Dowding
and Göring, the question of Hitler's intentions, German capability to
invade England regardless of air supremacy, and the narrow margin of
victory. Korda eschews both revisionism and counterfactuals that might
demote the Battle from its place in history:
Historians--indeed whole schools of history--have made their
reputations by casting a jaundiced eye on the victories, heroes, and
triumphs of their forefathers. Nobody in academe gets tenure or a
reputation in the media by examining the events of the past with
approval, or by praising the decisions of past statesmen and military
leaders as wise and sensible…. The speculation about the Battle of
Britain is of a different kind [from counterfactuals]. Nobody denies
that we won it; but we simply do not know how serious Hitler was about
invading Britain--or of course, whether such an invasion would have
succeeded (3, 5).
Although it is impossible
to divine Hitler's intentions, the threat of invasion was real and
The author notes that his uncle, Alexander Korda, was on the Gestapo's
roundup list. Had the Luftwaffe successfully cleared the Channel and
southern England of the RAF, Hitler might very well have invaded,
given his aggressive instincts and opportunistic personality.
Korda praises Britain's
military leaders and the politicians who had the foresight to fund
Dowding's system, which, in the mid-1930s, was still just a theory.
He argues that the much maligned "men of Munich" laid the
foundation for victory in 1940: "By 1937 the first of these [radar]
sites was in operation, and by 1939 there would be fourteen more--an
immense job of construction and a huge expense for a scientific
will-o'-the-wisp that might not work, all of it initially authorized
by the supposedly lethargic Stanley Baldwin, and carried forward by
his successor as prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, who is better
remembered for Munich" (41).
The system the
politicians bankrolled was the brainchild of Hugh Dowding, who became
commander of Fighter Command on 6 July 1936. He spent the next four
years designing and installing a system comprised of three parts
charged with acquiring, processing, and distributing information. Radar and the Observers Corps were the two main sources
for real time, raw information on German air raids. Each radar station
phoned in reports on dedicated land lines to the Filter Room at
Fighter Command headquarters at Bentley Priory. After careful sifting,
analysis, and interpretation, the information was passed on to the main
operations room. The Observer Corp Center performed the same function,
forwarding reports to the operations room. After a clear picture of
enemy activity was established, the situation report was sent out to
the four group headquarters. They, in turn, directed fighters--those
already in the air and others ready to scramble into action--to cut
off enemy raiders. Beside intercepting German bombers, this system
ensured that British fighters would not be destroyed on the ground.
Korda draws a sharp
distinction between the drama's hero--Dowding--and its
villain--Hermann Göring. Dowding stuck to his strategy from the
Battle's inception until he was relieved of command in November 1940.
Göring, on the other hand, famously changed strategy every few weeks.
Once the Luftwaffe descended upon England in force in July 1940,
Dowding determined to wage a battle of attrition that would inflict a
prohibitively high loss rate on German bombers while conserving his
own forces and playing for time. He knew an invasion attempt would be
impossible after September. He reasoned that if the Germans faced
unsustainable bomber losses, an undaunted Fighter Command, and bad
fall weather, victory would be his. Göring knew time was not on his
side and sought a quick, decisive victory over the RAF:
Dowding, therefore, saw his main task as keeping his force in being
until the weather and the calendar made the invasion of Britain
unlikely or impossible, and by that standard he did not need to win a
spectacular victory over the Germans in the air; he merely needed to
keep his squadrons flying and attacking the German bombers through the
first week of October. He did not anticipate that the German air
offensive would end then--it might continue for months, or even
years--but there would be no further risk of invasion in 1940 (244).
Dowding deployed his
fighters in squadron strength, a tactic opposed by his immediate
subordinate, Trafford Leigh-Mallory, the commander of 12 Group.
Leigh-Mallory's area of responsibility encompassed the Midlands region
north of London. He advocated what became known as the "big-wing"
tactics, arguing that larger formations of several squadrons (i.e.,
over fifty fighters) could smash the German bomber groups and win a
decisive victory. Beside Dowding, the commander of 11 Group, Keith
Park, favored the use of small, squadron-sized interceptions.
Park--whose Group protected frontline southeast England--maintained
that his pilots simply did not have the time to assemble in large
formations and climb to combat altitude, if they were to intercept
fast-moving German formations coming from just across the English
Korda carefully details
the squabbling and rivalries within the RAF during the Battle. In
part, this focus illustrates the command differences between the RAF
and the Luftwaffe. Within Fighter Command, robust, candid debates
sometimes verged on insubordination. By contrast, leading the
Luftwaffe was a man of notoriously bad character. Criticizing the
creator of the Gestapo was not a good career move for Luftwaffe
officers. Korda also discusses at length the rift between Churchill
and Dowding, duly noting the now well-known omissions from Churchill's
memoirs on this topic. Nevertheless, Dowding maintained firm control
over his squadrons throughout the course of the Battle. This was in
sharp contrast with German leadership. Korda observes that without a
supreme commander--such as Eisenhower in 1944--the German army, navy,
air force were uncoordinated. Ultimately, German strategy rested upon
the mercurial Göring.
Korda overemphasizes
arguments about tactics and strategy within the RAF, giving
short shrift to other important factors of the Battle. For example, he
spends the better part of a chapter discussing the heated disagreement
between Dowding and Churchill on the wisdom of reinforcing France
during the continental campaign of May 1940. However, he states
that Dowding was dismissed because he could not come up with a night
fighter defense during the Blitz in the fall of 1940, not because of
the political infighting he recounts in such detail. Also, the air
battle of Dunkirk receives no attention in this book. An examination
of the air fighting during the Evacuation would have provided helpful
information on the effectiveness of the Luftwaffe's anti-ship efforts.
In addition, it was over Dunkirk that the Germans first encountered
Fighter Command and its system of radar-guided ground control.
One problem American
readers may have with this book is the author's assumption of
familiarity with the British system of government and military
bureaucracy. Korda introduces a key subject by stating that "[a]s Air
member for Research and Development on the Air Council, Dowding had
laid the groundwork for Fighter Command, often against stiff
opposition" (34). Unfortunately, he never explicates the British chain
of command or how various agencies related to one another. Despite
these shortcomings, Korda has written a clear and straightforward
narrative of the epic Battle of Britain that should well serve
non-specialist readers.
Kansas State University
[1] Introduction in Edward Bishop, Their Finest
Hour: The Story of the Battle of Britain 1940 (NY: Ballantine,
1968) 7.
[2] The Shape of Things To Come (1933; rpt.
NY: Penguin, 2005).
[3] Ulysses S. Grant: The Unlikely Hero (NY:
HarperCollins, 2004), Ike: An American Hero (NY: Harper,
[4] The recently published RAF official history of
the Battle forthrightly states: "There are many battles that can
be seen to have changed the course of history for an individual
nation or nations. Few, however, can be said to have influenced
the future direction of mankind in so fundamental a manner as the
Battle of Britain"--T.C.G. James, The Battle of Britain
(London: Frank Cass, 2000), Forward by Air Chief Marshall Sir
Peter Squire, Chief of the Air Staff.